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Short Story: It is not about the answer

It’s the story of 3 friends Abhay, Amit, and Aman who were roommates. They had recently moved to Bengaluru. Abhay was a pretty stout guy from Delhi (The capital city) who used to work in a bank, Amit was a tall man with a flair for experimenting with his beard from Gujarat and also used to work in a bank, and Aman was from a small town in Odisha who used to work in a tech company.

They were friends through ‘thick and thin,’ and had been staying together since there MBA days in Mumbai, and the common thread binding all of them, was there love for fooooooooooooooooooooooood.

It was the chilly month of December, the winds were blowing, the drizzle in the afternoon was adding up to the weather quotient. Our trio, the main characters of this story had been pretty late returning from their offices, for Abhay and Amit those were the quarter and the year ending days and the time flies during this time in the banks, and for Aman he just loved his work, every day was a code and research day.

Long story short, by the time all of them reached back home, it was midnight already and they were famished (with mouse, pandas, and dinosaurs all of them dancing up and down in their stomach to the tunes of “hickory dickory duck.”

Abhay and Amit look towards Aman (he’s the in house cook), Aman says “No way, its midnight, I am not cooking da, let’s find something out!”

They move out in their car for hunt of food in the midnight, and after a lot of travelling and hunting for an hour they figure out a place called the KPs Multi Cuisine Restaurant right near the KR Puram railway station, they order whatever they could lay their eyes upon in the menu, and have their fill.

They pay the bill and thank the restaurant owners for saving their day, and while driving back home, with the wind beating their face, all of them are replaying and thinking about how the last couple of hours went by…

Abhay says to himself, remember when you get hungry,

don’t drive randomly – go straight to KPs, this would solve the hunger problem better in the future as long as he is in the same city as KPs

Amit says to himself, the KPs restaurant is opposite to the railway station, and there is a good chance that there will be eating joints in the vicinity of a railway station anywhere. Hence, whenever I get hungry late at night, instead of driving around randomly, I can figure out the nearest railway station and find a place to eat.

Aman says to himself, that the KPs restaurant is opposite to the railway station, which is a transport hub, like airport and bus terminals. Hence, whenever I get hungry late at

night, instead of driving around randomly, I can figure out the nearest transport hub and find something to eat.

All three friends spent the same amount of time in solving a common problem, but which approach has a universal appeal... Of course the best would be Swiggy or

Zomato !

Inspiration courtesy: Get Better at Getting Better (Thanks to Late. Mr. Chandramouli Venkatesan for inspiring me).

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