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Short Story : To MBA or not to MBA

This is the story of 2 friends again, Raghu and Aman, this has a bit different backdrop, Raghu and Aman had studies at the same school in a small city called Rourkela in Odisha and were closest of the buddies.

Raghu was geeky, I guess from the day he was born, and his life revolved around Machines, Computers, Drives, Coding and all things related to computers. He was the one who opened up the first email accounts for more than 20 of his classmates out of 30 in their class-x, including Aman’s first email account. A hard core coder and problem solver to date…

Aman on the other hand was more of people person, sound in logic, but more inclined towards doing things together and helping people out. He used to derive joy out of success of others.

Both of them chose different paths post their class x exam and results…

Raghu chooses the Computer Science stream and grows in to a hard core programmer and lands a job with Samsung and is pretty happy, while Aman continues with his further education post-graduation and goes on to finish his MBA.

They lose touch during this period as both of them get busy in their lives, and career.

Traversing through multiple companies, Aman gets to join a company LabMart one day, and on his first day when he goes to canteen to have his breakfast, he sees none other than Raghu sitting in a corner with his geeky glasses on, munching on some fruits and cereals with one hand, while definitely ‘coding’ on his computer with the other… yeah he had been like that since his childhood.

Aman walks up to Raghu and says, “Raggs bhaiiiiiiiiiii,” Raghu stares up in astonishment hearing his nick name suddenly and jumps in joy. The both hug each other with tears of joy.

TGIF – this gives them an occasion to celebrate and both of them go to Black Pearl a restobar nearby LabMart, of course there’s a common thread here too, both of them love Beer….

After a couple of healthy glasses, as Raghu had been explaining his life and career journey, he asks Aman out of curiosity, “Bhai package kya diya,” Aman mentions his salary package without hesitation and Raghu’s jaw drops on the floor…

The first thought that crosses his mind, is “what the fishhhhhh,” he follows through with “Bhai aisa kya padhai kiya tune?”

Aman says just regular buddy, completed by Bachelors in Science and completed MBA post that. Raghu starts pondering that this one MBA degree has brought in a huge gap between their packages (mind it Raghu’s package was not bad at all, but the comparison and even the not so huge difference started pricking him at the back of his mind).

With the beer having already played its trick, Raghu mumbles to Aman, “buddy it’s so unfair.” Aman senses the discomforting situation well ahead, and simply smiles and asks Raghu, “Raghu do you think it’s also unfair that you earn more than those who have done their Bachelors in computers working with you as your colleagues already?”

Raghu is stupefied by this quick response, he settles down in his seat and gets Aman’s point. Aman goes on to narrate his story of how he had started out with a lower salary package, but eventually over a period of time, he could absorb things better and at a faster pace which enabled him to move ahead rapidly and that’s why he is where he is today. He motivates Raghu saying that “you are a brilliant guy, and are so good at what you do than anyone else I have seen, so stop squandering or wasting your energy on victimizing yourself, and look forward to how you can grow with your skills and how you can leverage everything you have at your disposal. Of course MBA has given me an advantage, that’s my thought process, but you can also cultivate that and MBA should not be stopping you from that.” Raghu takes heed of this little piece and goes on to be the best performer (and highest paid employee) over the next couple of years.

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